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That point was made last night when Chris Packham pointed out those very concerns, also that only species native to Britain should be considered.

Growers are already doing this on a massive scale but there again, it's no worse than all those imported queens coming into our country every year.

The dangers of introduction of bumbles from the Netherlands for pollination in greenhouses was pointed out to me by my local Bee Inspector recently. They are very concerned about these escaping and spreading foulbrood.
The dangers of introduction of bumbles from the Netherlands for pollination in greenhouses was pointed out to me by my local Bee Inspector recently. They are very concerned about these escaping and spreading foulbrood.

Well , we have been importing bumbles for that purpose for at least two decades.

And the incidence of foul brood has increased/reduced in that period?

Chris Packham pointed out those very concerns,

Only because he'd been bombarded on twitter and farcebook

I wonder what complaints they had regarding Michaela's comment on the Grebe, "displaying his Erect Helmet"? CP was noticeably quiet & MS fighting back the giggles.
No doubt both getting a stern directorial ear-bending over the earpiece from the production team??? :smilielol5::smilielol5:
That point was made last night when Chris Packham pointed out those very concerns, also that only species native to Britain should be considered.

But in the words of one of the people who pointed out this bad advice "How are 'normal' members of the public with no ID experience, with all the subtle differences in regional sub groups know what does or does not occur in the UK when buying bees online - it was a half arsed correction made to keep us happy"
Isn't it always???

Let's face it, TV is carefully orchestrated entertainment.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a :biggrinjester: .

Wouldn't know - the only TV I've watched lately was the last 10 seconds of the PM's resignation speech, cheered me up no end, laughed so much I almost solied meself

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