knives and guns were the order of the day in my youth and nobody turned a hair
We also had throwing knives(usually in sets of three)
Boy scouts wore knives as part of their uniform .
To own a 'Bowie' hunting knife equated with the blackberry
We made throwing arrows which we could launch the length of a football pitch!.
These we used to launch from the goal posts at one end , the receivers used to launch them back! The only fatality I recall was a 17 years old army cadet who was killed on the rifle range of the local barracks !.
Though armed to the teeth, it never entered our heads to inflict injury on another person even though fights were common (Boys will be boys).
Also if a boy was struck and he went down, that was the end of the scrap as far as he was concerned! Should anyone aim a kick at the downed combatant , he would be turned on by his mates as that was considered heinous !
The world has changed beyond recognition