I don't use a smoker
It just riles the bees. I use a TBH and minimal intervention. I showed my hives to some conventional beeks and one suggested smoke to drive the bees back in. So I dusted off my smoker (had to find it first!) and tried it. We quickly realised that even if I wanted to use it, there's a fundamental constructional difference between a TBH and a conventional one - smoke normally drives bees down into the gaps between the frames but with a TBH... uh... there isn't one, because you seal up the gaps between bars as you go. So we irritated some bees and they had nowhere to immediately go 8)
When I DO use a smoker is, sometimes, to mask my own smell. In which case I use dried grass (the "something else" in the survey) as the least acrid, irritating smoke I can obtain.