Shaking Bees and Dying !

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New Bee
Oct 14, 2009
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Kept bees for 25yrs and have never come across this, bees from the hive cleaning each other vigoursly and even dragging bees away from the hive, some crawling away from the hive and dying, I remove the brood chamber every day and clear a 100 plus dead bees from the mesh floor.
On removing the cover board the bees are shaking, really shaking, and acting so strange.
My other 2 hives are fine so poisoning out, not robbers, treating with thymol at this time but hive have been clean for a good while with no mite drop.

I am going to loose it I think, have requeened as well.

Any ideas please ?

sorry to hear about the bees but why disturb them every day by removing the brood box?
I would take a sample of bees to send off for testing.
I remove the brood chamber purely to clear the floor, having not done it for 3 days the floor is full and restricting the entrance so has to be done, the bees dont mind and are not bad tempered in any way, my inspector has taken some samples away and should hear soon from him, this is strange and will loose it I say, baffled.

I have recently seen this as you describe.
A feed of Ambrosia ...2 :1 sugar plus a hefty mix of GARLIC powder as used for horses seemed to be an effective cure!

CBPV I say, wow the video on the link sent brings it all home, my bees show the exact symptons,

I will read up and see if there are any cures.

Thanks folks, started thread just what 20 mins ago and think at least we know what it is.

Buckfast had it - they found that only requeening worked...they put it down to teh weather
Talking to a bee inspector today and he told me that CBPV is very common this year
Could be poisoning ?
Spraying of herbicide/insecticide .
Or bees robbing out a colony in a building somewhere in the vicinity that has been 'Dealt with '
Best send a sample of at least 30 bees for positive identification .
Hi. I have a hive that has cbpv. My bees have had enough stores but I dont think they have got out enough, I've had to feed them a lot of the year due to the poor weather. I am feeding them now , treated them for varroa. 2 weeks ago I killed the queen (i understand that it could be a genetic problem )and have given them a frame of eggs and young brood from another hive. I have queen cells from this frame as we speak. <br />
I'm not convinced I have done what is needed to save them but I think I have done all I can. <br />
It all depends now on whether the queen mates successfully and the new bees are strong enough to with stand the virus.
hello ;) what is cbpv i have looked on the stickies list of abreviations and the closest i could find is CPV = Chronic Paralysis Virus, are you talking about the same thing ? :seeya:

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