Online record keeping
Hi everyone,
I've been working on some online record keeping software in my spare time, and it would be great if I could get some feedback from people. It's free, but at the moment I've got it in private beta so an invite is needed to sign up. If anyone would like an invite let me know and I'll send you one.
The site is called
Beetight (no reason: I just like the word!)
At the moment it lets you keep records of inspections and harvests, as well as details of all hives and apiaries. It does things like showing the weather at all your sites, recording nectar sources for honey. There's a mobile version (designed for iPhone and Android mostly, but it will work with other smartphones). This lets you record inspections in the field. You can also upload photos with your inspections. You can see more on the site.
It's quite rough and ready at the moment. I've been working on it in my spare time for a few weeks. There's a bit that needs adding, and I'm sure there's loads of stuff I've not thought of! This is why it would be really useful if I could get feedback on it. I'm a very new beekeeper, so I'm sure there' plenty I'm missing.
I may charge for commercial or large scale beekeepers at some point in the future, but at the moment it's all free. I've basically made it for fun, and to use myself. I hope this isn't considered advertising!
I look forward to your feedback. Do your worst!