My sister's neighbor had a shed that seemed to be the home of a trillion rats, that stole hens eggs, hens food, and even the chicks!
Now I say had, because this summer said neighbor has an ugly nest of hornets
( probably mere wasps!) move in under her shed, my brother in law despite being a very clever person in law, decided that to rid the said neighbor of said hornets, he would take my advice and pour petrol into their nest. He used a full gallon as that is the amount of petrol that the can held.
The small Lidl's culinary torch that sister uses to light the smoker was too much temptation, Hornets and rats everywhere. I must be added that having to wear a wig did not cause too much of a problem to my brother in law, although the Fire brigade and my sisters neighbor did not seem to be very much impressed, it has solved the rat problem!