I use dry wood too.
I can usually tell where it’s come from by looking up.
I use dry wood too.
I can usually tell where it’s come from by looking up.
The best smoker fuel I have used is very dry rotten wood. Lovely cool smoke and very little tar residue, and free with no messing about.
Same here; I understand that birch has the lowest tar content.
Silver birch according to Finnie![]()
Dry rotten silver birch is good..
Pity about the insects in it..
Dry rotten silver birch is good. Pity about the insects in it..
Assume it’s May/June in an average healthy hive, what percentage proportion of workers are active foragers?
[Marks deducted for all answers that contain the phrase “it depends” or variations thereof].
Cotton smoker fuel from 'Bee- equipment'
Stays lit for ages..
In the midst of building my warming cabinet, finished the outer box today.
I noticed the one Thrones sell states "Do not seal outside of cabinet with paint or vanish."
Anyone know why as I was going to coat mine with something?
Assume it’s May/June in an average healthy hive, what percentage proportion of workers are active foragers?
Sounds like an examination question to me. My answer would be 2/3 house bees 1/3 foragers but only 1/4 of those foragers are active at any one time. Pls correct me if wrong.