Queenless hive?

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The last info I had was that you may have up to 10 hives before getting involved with "les fonctionnaires". Only needed to inform your local Maire, and very very few do that.

Not so I'm sorry to inform you. As of the 1st Jan this year, (2010), all people that have a hive, yup, that's right starting from one, must register with whatever their departments structure is.



For those that clearly don't know, you almost can't pass wind in France without registering with the authorities, getting a number and usually paying through the nose for the pleasure.

Thanks for that Chris. I didn't know about the re-instatement of the census and strangely my local association has not mentioned it - head in sand perhaps:D

Just when I thought I had finished with "the system" here we go again - Siret first then...............:chillpill:
Hi Frenchbees, I am new to this forum and a second year newbee too.

I too filled out all the forms and I have my NUMAGRIT number. However the paper work was extensive , as other comentators have said. I did not see anything in the 17 pages I got about inspections. But I did get a chance to order Apivar and Apiguard, which has now arrived, Which in turn was a lot better than the haphazard delivery system last year.

The inspector (I think, like in the UK) would be a good thing (if helpful) Although the various bee friends I have all seem to have different opinions which is most comfusing.

Any way nice to join this group that seems a lot more friendly than the other one I joined.

Queenless hive

I must have been lucky, only a one page form to fill in and pretty simple at that. I then recieved a short letter with the NUMAGRIT, the inspectors phone no and a request that I contact him asap.
Huge variation between Departments.
On the subject of French bureacracy I wouldn't be surprised if they decide all the bees need electronic tags next!
I'm going to have to go for a SIRET as I could never consume the crop from my 10 hives:rofl:

My understanding of the directive is that with a NUMAGRIT you cannot sell or give away your honey

Any chance of your Department MMJ100 and French bees?
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My understanding of the directive is that with a NUMAGRIT you cannot sell or give away your honey

Correct, but getting a SIRET is easy enough and for once won't cost you the earth in French social charges, and it's highly unlikely if you keep it a bit quiet that anyone will know if you sell a bit - or even care.

MJBee, you are correct, no selling and no give away. However the papers say it can be changed to a sirit easily.
In alpes Maritimes there is no mention about inspections ( I double checked). My thoughts are that will come in with sirit, or more possibly when they have enough inspectors.

Finally I do think Chris Luck has a point, the thing is, not to up set the apple cart and most importantly do not undercut the local market store holder. You all know what our dear friends are like!!!
Chris Luck and MJ Bee may I ask you a question ( I realise it is a bit off the line of the thread - I am sorry for that)
In my form filling in I was able to order ApiVar and Apiguard. The order arrived last week.
My question is that I thought I might put the ApiVar in the hives now and then use the Apiguard in say April (early Spring) next year. All the colonies are new this year and have not filled out 9/10 frames yet - except one hive ( year 2) which I took a little honey from just 2 weeks ago and is well established in 2 supers.
Do you think this is the right idea?

Thank you Michael
Wont they be starting to store nectar in the supers by April- contamination of stores by the Apiguard will be a real factor.
Treat when no supers on.
Using Apiguard is not recommended in spring because it can put the queen off lay just when you need the colony to build up asap - See Apiguard FAQs

Calling all expat beeks in France could you amend your location to show your Department please. I couldn't understand why a Provence beek had such a short season until I discovered he was over 1000M amsl!!
I am still in shock!!

Today I (eventually) found the Chambre d'Agriculture de la Dordogne and there a very helpful young lady filled out the form for me and in less than 10 minutes I was issued with a SIRET number and there was NO CHARGE:svengo:

So from now on I can "legally" sell my honey:sifone:
I am still in shock!!

Today I (eventually) found the Chambre d'Agriculture de la Dordogne and there a very helpful young lady filled out the form for me and in less than 10 minutes I was issued with a SIRET number and there was NO CHARGE:svengo:

So from now on I can "legally" sell my honey:sifone:

Sacre Bleu! She must be new
Not at all, it's the easiest thing in the world to register an individual business in France....trust me, I have plenty of experience.

....they are always pleased to take your money, even if it doesn't amount to very much.
