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Are your hives/mating units distinctively marked?

The apiary at Craibstone was close to farm buildings and there were lots of swallows and house martins. No issues with matings there.

Here there are again lots of swollows and house martins and although I rased only a couple of queens last year no issues I could see so I have to wonder if it's not something else.

As for BIBBA... sorry, but pretty much a non event.

No in the past they have been brown wood stained ceder nationals, the Queen that was my first ever mated was also in a brown ceder hive, i now have a pile of green polyhives for this year to mix with the ceder parts.
Do you think i will better my chances if i distinctively mark each hive/nuc differently because i want to split my really calm hive into three this year and i will be gutted if these new queens also fail to return mated, on the swallow situation they is a large amount and they fly over and around my hives all day, i would put a big mist net up if i did not like the swallows and of coarse not illegal.
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If bibba's stated aims were to provide queens to all and sundry upon request you'd both be right, but you're criticising them for failing to do what they've not set out to do, a bit unfair but I suppose as keyboard warriors of such clout you should have the greatest say in an amateur organisation you don't belong to:rolleyes:

You're missing the point mbc. I was a member with II experience looking to breed bees properly. I wasn't exactly any Tom-Dick-or-Harry beekeeper.
I became increasingly disatisfied with BIBBA and...the agression I experienced when I resigned convinced me that they are nothing more than a cult.
You can say that as much as you like Icanhopit: a leopard can't change its spots THAT much!
Incidentally, you're fooling nobody by changing your id!

I am not trying to "fool" anyone.... I lost my password in a computer crash and could not sign in on icanhopit :sorry: if that has caused any offense to anyone!

More than can be said for some forum posters who get put on the naughty step for good .... and return, reincarnated to continue to post in the same noxious vein!

Yeghes da
I think you may find that BIBBA has changed from the Zealots that you claim them to be.
Hoppy, me old mate, you are living proof that they haven't changed in the slightest.
Your main man insists that Danish Buckfast queens are simply an Italian Carniolan cross...when I pointed him towards the breeding records it all went quiet.

I've missed your daily digs at me...I was worried, thought you might be ill or something.
Welcome back!
I am a simple amateur. Not a professional beekeeper.. but queen rearing - if you have the time and the persistence and the ability to think about what you are doing - is immensely satisfying, fun and saves you loads of money as you can requeen all your colonies annually from your best stock, sell/give away queens and after a small investment have queens left over for emergencies.

Of course if money is no object and/or you are time poor and money rich.. then buy any queen you like.

Agreed. My colonies are decent, honey is decent and I don't have to buy any queens in.

Ruttners "Breeding and Selection" is worth considering too.
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Spot on P ;)
And also reinstated the original user name, me thinks someone is telling porkies..

Nope... went around and around in circles... a bit like the oozellum oozellum bird, and when I got to that advantage point from which one observes one's baffled pursuer... re registered as Cheers!

I think attempting to link up the PC to the new ion torrent sequencer proved to be too much!

Yeghes da
Hoppy, me old mate, you are living proof that they haven't changed in the slightest.
Your main man insists that Danish Buckfast queens are simply an Italian Carniolan cross...when I pointed him towards the breeding records it all went quiet.
Welcome back!

Like so many of the nere do wells and native bee bashers... you are missing the point of BIBBA.

Yeghes da
Nope... went around and around in circles... a bit like the oozellum oozellum bird, and when I got to that advantage point from which one observes one's baffled pursuer... re registered as Cheers!

I think attempting to link up the PC to the new ion torrent sequencer proved to be too much!

Yeghes da

I have lost passwords and had the odd hard drive pack up, but you always or should always have a link to email a message of your misfortune too, a forgotton pass word is a lame excuse imo a downed hard drive could be understandable either way i don't buy it..:rolleyes:
Like so many of the nere do wells and native bee bashers... you are missing the point of BIBBA.

Not bashing the native bee in the least.
Just realistic about it's capabilities.
BIBBA seems to think it's the best thing since sliced bread...it aint.

Ohhh and welcome back, again......good to get the daily dose of whatever passes for wit on whichever part of the UK you actually live.
Like so many of the nere do wells and native bee bashers... you are missing the point of BIBBA.

Yeghes da

No :BIBBA believes in native bees and breeding mongrels and sees no incongruity at all in these stances At the same time, some BIBBA supporters decry Buckfast bees as hybrids and say they don't breed true but at the same time do not recognise their support of mongrel breeding programs is just a support of hybrids.

I don't care about BIBBA one way or the other: I just object to holier than thou proselytising which is hypocritical. If your organisation is against breeding hybrid bees, it cannot support a breeding program based on hybrids.

And if you are going to breed hybrid bees, logic says you start with the best you can find, not just any old local bees (which is BIBBA policy).
Do you and finny share the same account.. just asking..:rolleyes:

Most certainly not...

I had a half Finnish, half Swedish girlfriend once... lived in Stockholm, but was born on the Aalborg Islands.... she was very high maintenance!

Yeghes da
For me BIBBA went pear shaped when they started mentioning "near native".

End of.

For me BIBBA went pear shaped when they started mentioning "near native".

End of.


With the purest German Amc bees having residual Amm mitochondrial DNA in their make up should we be calling them near pure Carniolans?
With the purest German Amc bees having residual Amm mitochondrial DNA in their make up should we be calling them near pure Carniolans?

If we are pedants .. yes.

Most normal people are not pedants - thankfully.

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