I was going to do last sumer those coloss cages. They use very small cages in practice just keeping queen alive in main flow. Then after main flow bees start to rear winter bees and nature does not give yield any more.
Idea is to kill mites with oxalic when they are all free on bees.
Cage does not need frame or foundation inside. Bees draw in free space wild combs and then you cut capped brood cells off.
I nursed 30 years hives so that I killed the queen for main yield season and then fter 2 weeks I gove a new laying queen. Now queen is present but lays only one frame in 3 weeks.
It seems, that there are variations in cage usage. I have planned my cage and price is under 10€. It needs a piece of excluder to the side of free box.
I've not been able to find the results of that 2016/17 Coloss study- they say that each of the methods studied had the same effect on colony development and queen mortality was the same. I couldn't find the results on mite numbers. Have you a reference?