If brood is laid in the supers it will subsequently make those frames susceptible to wax moth e.g. when supers are stored over winter
There lies one myth. Is a shallow a super or a brood box? Some clearly fail to differentiate, and assume that all shallows are always supers. Either plain sloppy use of terminology or worse - they don't know! It is little wonder new beeks are misled.
And so what if the brooded wax is more susceptible to wax moth? Even if not brooded in, it is clearly susceptible to wax moth, just less so! Be a beekeeper and store your frames - yes, shallows deeps or extra deeps (for National users) and shallows, mediums, deeps, jumbos and likely others (for Langstroth) properly. Or are you a wait and hope sort of keeper of bees?