Pie man

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Feb 24, 2011
Reaction score
near King's Lynn
Hive Type
Number of Hives
50+. Double Std National & 14x12
Entered a pie bake off on Saturday at the local pub.
Had to be a savoury pie, serve at least 4, have pastry top and bottom and be free standing out of its tin to be judged, oh and men only.
Decided on steak and stilton and was pleased with my 3rd place out of 22 entries.
Not much of a pie man (except eating) but decided on slow cooker for the meat with just a glug of port and 2 large spoons of red onion chutney. 4 hours later drained it (thickened gravy) and let both cool and fridged it over night. Next day (pie day) blind baked a shortcrust base (bit too long) and let it cool. Added meat and cold gravy and crumbled some stilton on top. Added shortcrust lid, with vent hole and baked for 30 mins. After cooling removed from tin and ..........not bad.
Think it would of been better reheated for judging.
Eventual winner did beef and oyster, using tinned smoked oyster, not a bad taste.
After judging it was help yourself to pie time (I won this bit).

I did think what a good idea actually as pub was full, lots of blokes talking about cooking, lots of women saying wish he did it more often, lots of beer drunk and lots of pie eaten.
Next week its over to the ladies for a sweet pie / tart. Told the wife it must have honey in it, just need to convince landlord now so I can flog 20 jars.

Any suggestions for next years savoury pie entry.
Entered a pie bake off on Saturday at the local pub.
Had to be a savoury pie, serve at least 4, have pastry top and bottom and be free standing out of its tin to be judged, oh and men only.

Any suggestions for next years savoury pie entry.

What a good idea ... Next year Rabbit ... off the bone after slow cooking overnight, lots of carrots in it. Mouth watering thinking about it. Try a shortcrust base with a puff pastry top (cheat with the puff pastry and use Justroll ... life's too short for the real thing !!). Got to be served hot though with mash.
My local runs a men only cake baking contest. The standard of the entries is phenomenal and the blokes spend weeks planning their entries. You pay to vote and eat them and the money goes to charity.
Any suggestions for next years savoury pie entry.

Game pie with something like asparagus running through layers of different meat, so it looks like a terrine when you cut into it. Use hot water crust pastry (like pork pies) so it can be deeper and still stand when it's out of the tin.

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