Phoenix from the flames

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New Bee
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Idle, West Yorks uk
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Got the call this morning at 9.20 from a nice asian lady asking if I could deal with a big ball of Bee's that were attached to a small tree in her sister in laws front garden. After establishing exactly what I was dealing with (nice footbal sized swarm 3' from the ground :drool5:) I agreed that I would be there before lunch.
I was then asked if I charged a fee, I explained not but that if she was in a position to do so a £10/£20 donation to the local BKA would be very much appreciated.
Upon pulling up outside at 11am I was greated by this sight!! When I spoke to the ladies son about what had happened he just shrugged his shoulders and said he had "poured petrol over the bush and lit it up", asked why his reply was that its "cheaper than a donation".
I noticed that a few flyers had gathered up within the ashes so I set up a nuc with a touch of lemongrass in and told him not to touch it and I would return in a couple of hours. I did let slip that if he touched it all the Bee's would chase after him.
When I returned I found a nice group outside the nuc so a popped up a bar and within 5 minutes they were in and safe and whisked off to a life of luxury. Why the hell they would want to make this mess in their own front garden let alone kill hundreds of Bee's beats the hell out of me.
Staggering I am lost for words

But can manage well done for salvaging the situation
Very well done.

There are some stupid people out there! Petrol is a very poor source of ignition, given its low flash point, in that it basicly burns off before been able to combust the intended item.

Also taking the Baked Alaska an an example where you can bake ice cream in an oven and it does not melt, yes some outer bees will have been crispen'ed, but they then insulate the inner core which should in theory bee the queen.
Great work rescuing the poor bees .... hope you got the queen.
What a *****************

Good work with what you did.not worthy
Let us know please if you got the queen and the colony gets itself up and running for winter.
Just set them up with a nice feed of ambrosia, will have a good look for HM in a couple of days. If no joy in finding her, I am lucky as in I picked up a nice little swarm 3 weeks ago with a 2010 marked queen so they will get united to boost strengh.
what an *****!!! well done for rescuing the rest hope you have a good colony from them eventually, the mentality of some people beggers belief .
Well done you, and I hope the bees are doing well! But what a thing to do!!! Heaven help us all (particularly those within a 5 mile radius) if this normal behaviour for the young man
Seems they think that a donation is compulsary.

Would have been a lot of explaining to do if the fire had got out of control and set fire to the house............. No payout.

I hope you stabbed his car tyre on the way out.

Look like more than bit of petrol....
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5***** star (as in petrol) masticater <<< is that spelt correctly? lol
Well done for not simply walking off in disgust - I probably would have done. Speechless beyond that.
Just A quick update for those interested. I put these into a TB nuc with some feed and most of the bee's just kept in a ball in the corner and have not been banging along with comb building subsequently it has been hard to spot a queen. Checked yesterday after another week and found nice comb on 4 of the bars and all of the cells have eggs + brood. Also got a nice queen walking about proud as punch.
Must have just taken a week to get the smoke out ouf their system!!
Just A quick update for those interested. I put these into a TB nuc with some feed and most of the bee's just kept in a ball in the corner and have not been banging along with comb building subsequently it has been hard to spot a queen. Checked yesterday after another week and found nice comb on 4 of the bars and all of the cells have eggs + brood. Also got a nice queen walking about proud as punch.
Must have just taken a week to get the smoke out ouf their system!!

Really pleased for you and the bees. not worthy
Fantastic work on your part. It is really quite disturbing what people will do. Surely the RSPCA would be interested in taking action here? It is criminal.

You should be proud of what you have done and let's hope they pull through.
I always thought that destroying bees can only be done by a pest controller. maybe i am wrong, but i always tell those that i collect swarms from that i think there is a law about killing them. They all seem to like that idea and am glad that i am giving them a good home.