Paynes poly Nat brood box question

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Drone Bee
Sep 6, 2015
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Still working out my plan for spring. Have a nuc coming on National frames. Wish to use a commercial hive. I think I will place the nuc into a national brood box and let the bees head up into a commercial box above.

Question is:

Will a standard wooden commercial box be compatible with Paynes poly national brood box. I ask as they are on sale now and would be a good time to buy if so? Have emailed them with no reply.

Ta people.

National hive External dimension - 18 2/16” square

Commercial External dimension – 18 5/16” square

More info here

The Paynes box external dimensions are bigger than a timber one, not sure by how much offhand, but you can stack it with wooden parts (I have a Paynes brood but use wooden supers)

So I would hazard....yes you can
Thank you. They have just got back to me as well and have confirmed that they would fit. I was just concerned about any raised edges etc.


One other question then!

If I place the nuc frames into the national brood box the cold way in the center, would I place single dummy frames either side and have a similar setup above or dummy all the space out?


I would put them at the front of the brood box with a dummy board behind them, then put a similar number of commercial frames above.

Once they have drawn the commercial frames you can move the queen up and add an excluder as a Bailey change.

If you have joined your local association it might be worth asking around; I'm sure someone could lend you a national brood box for the few weeks it would take rather than buying one.
Very kind thanks. I have joined indeed so will ask.

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