Oxalic schedule

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Field Bee
Dec 10, 2020
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Just got myself a Gas vap to try this year (got fed up of disconnecting the car battery) , question is at what intervals would you treat at? I have read some suggest day 1 , then 6 then 14 . What's everyone's thoughts?
Sometimes life gets in the way so the schedule is distorted,so in that case I add "21"
The treatment is intended to take advantage of the brood cycle timing .

Varroa treatment is one of the few things in beekeeping you can safely regard as arbitrary but even then they can confound a blind regime.

Monitoring boards are not much good at scientific measuring but they can be used as a visual comparator- if you are still getting a good drop at the end of the regime do another one.

Be very patient with the gas vap - it's a marvellous bit of kit but you may need to get yourself used to and adapt methods beyond the videos you may have seen.
“Be very patient with the gas vap - it's a marvellous bit of kit but you may need to get yourself used to and adapt methods beyond the videos you may have seen.”

I agree, very useful bit of kit but can be temperamental.
It keeps buggering up the piezo on my gas torches
Will give it a go , I bought some MAQ's but not sure keen on using it after doing more research. Oxalic seems safer!
Will give it a go , I bought some MAQ's but not sure keen on using it after doing more research. Oxalic seems safer!
I bought Maqs twice over the last few years and never had the nerve to use them. They are just too harsh. I vape instead.
Tried them when just starting out.
Followed instructions to the letter.
Applied to three colonies
Lost two.
Rotted the mesh in the floors.
Not for me sorry
The tubs are useful though....

Yeah that's me convinced to sack it off, especially since will be using in a nuc!
I tried MAQS the year it appeared on the market. Getting a whiff of the stuff when I opened the packet I took the inspection tray out and added two supers. Still lost two queens
Never again.
As @blackcloud says....it's strange that others use it without problem
Will give it a go , I bought some MAQ's but not sure keen on using it after doing more research. Oxalic seems safer!
Used MAQs this time last year on my (at the time only) colony - decent pile of dead bees and thrown out larvae and pupae outside the hive the following couple of days, and it rusted all the nails in the boxes, but the colony seemed none the worse for wear following treatment.

Mid-October the mite levels were fairly high so I did an OA vaping schedule. Not sure if the MAQs failed to treat the mites or if my bees possibly robbed out a mite bomb, but the OA worked and was simple with a gasvap so I won't be using MAQs again!

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