oxalic acid treatment

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New Bee
May 19, 2010
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hastings east sussex
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hi all can any one tell me how often or how many times you should treat with oxalic acid drip. best regards:banghead:
hi all can any one tell me how often or how many times you should treat with oxalic acid drip. best regards:banghead:

Contrary to Finmans post there is no specific limit. It depends very much on how bad the infestation is removed first time and if the drop is still significant do another. Make sure the drizzle solution is warmed slightly beforehand and don't leave doing it until later than, say, end of January as by then the bees may be about to get going with eggs etc.
Contrary to Finmans post there is no specific limit. It depends very much on how bad the infestation is removed first time and if the drop is still significant do another..

hadling has nothing to do with "how bad is". the stuff affects same way do you 3600 mites or 300.
All the bees become dirty with syrup an oxalic makes it jo.

What means first time? .......mites will die during next 4 weeks.

I wonder where Afermo has got his ideas, but that is not expert redommendation.
What means first time? .......mites will die during next 4 weeks.

Not all the mites are killed with one treatment and there is no harm in doing another providing it is done before the spring buildup!!!! Even a second treatment will not kill all but at least it adds to the reduction and gives the bess a better start to the season. I'm surprised you do not understand that.
Arfermo with out being or trying to be rude how many hive's do you have and where do you get this info from ( you can trickle twice or more )

One trickling without brood kills about 96% of mites. Do it once, that is the recommendation from varroa researches.

That is first time that some hobbyist recommends several trickling. Mostly they are afraid to do even one.

Light at the tunnel edge : TRAIN!

Arfermo with out being or trying to be rude how many hive's do you have and where do you get this info from ( you can trickle twice or more )


Practical experience and that of other longtime beeks. OK? Do what you like and I'll do it my way. Other threads on this website confirm that single applications are merely guidance for novices but wise men use their noddles.
HM's second link covers trickling, spraying and sublimation. It says all three work but recommends trickling is simpler, quicker and poses least risk to the beekeeper. Which is why it is the method recommended by bee inspectors.

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