OSR going over!

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Queen Bee
Jan 1, 2018
Reaction score
Fernhurst Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
40 plus 23 that I maintain for clients.
I traveled up the A286 between Haslemere and Milford today and saw a field of rape that was bright yellow last Tuesday is now devoid of any petals. I'd better keep an eye on the field my bees are on.............
Snap! I got such a shock yesterday. Visited my bees on Wednesday. The surrounding fields were blindingly yellow. Yesterday afternoon I couldn't believe it. Straggles of yellow and the field had reverted to green. I'd had a bit of a "feeling" so went prepared and brought a couple of supers home. Mightily impressed with the "apiarist" warming cabinet - it really kept things cozy till I got dinner out of the way then cranked up the extractor. So far so good. Great extraction and water content sitting below 18%. Today's going to be busy!
I traveled up the A286 between Haslemere and Milford today and saw a field of rape that was bright yellow last Tuesday is now devoid of any petals. I'd better keep an eye on the field my bees are on.............
Thanks for the tip, Neil. I'd better get down there with the extractor.
Thanks for the tip, Neil. I'd better get down there with the extractor.
I haven't seen the ones at Losely Eric but I was stunned that the ones at Brook had turned so quickly.
Similar here in SE Worcestershire. Hawthorn, horse chestnut and last of apple still giving a good flow though.

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