Osr flowering time?

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xmas carols

Wow that's something I've been missing.
My customers will have to make do with the aromas of:
Citrus candied peel
Mango & melon
Jasmine & geranium

To name a few that have been mentioned.
OSR honey is delicious and so is the mead.

The people talking about the smell ( possibly a prejudice showing?) are referring to the scent when the nectar is flowing and it has to be said there is a cabbage aroma to it which does not in my view transfer to the honey.

So no worries.

Is OSR mead at all tasty?

Yes, okay, best thing to use it for, smell and taste of cabbage and regurgitated babies milk disappears, could end up with an aroma and strong taste of vinegar if not done properly though.
Joking aside I am now wondering if there are two types of OSR honey?

Mine used to smell of honey with a mild flavour and an odour as one would expect of a pleasant mild honey. I am confident in this statement having produced several tons of it.

Yet others are saying it stinks. So.... I repeat is it possible there are two variations.

Honey judges to the fore, please?

I dont get offensive OSR either. It’s mild and not as strong a flavour as the summer honey (which I prefer) but half of the people I supply prefer OSR to runny. It’s certainly less mess on toast ;)

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That's not helpful here bf... and you know what that stands for eh?

I wonder if the folk who have issues with cabbage smelling rape honey, have other bee forage in the area that flowers at the same time as the rape, or even the rape fields themselves could be contaminated with another yellow weed seed, it is not uncommon around here to see OSR fields full of red poppies.
Lighten up PH....or are you playing the Xmas Grinch this year :D
I can definitely get cabbagey aroma, faint but discernible. But baby puke...nah.
Creamed it's fine and very tasty.

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