Sky news were at ours ( missed the showing (sky not on catch up
I, m glad moonlight has grasped the situation as it is
My worry is the ones caught up in hype and rushing out to do a deal, setting up a hive of any description (albeit the omlet would be the most vaunted)on the strength of a couple of 30 second sound bites. Picture the scenario; eager beaver, enthuses over new hive (keen to exhibit his/her green credentials) doesn't inform the neighbours "(well they're not our kind of people really")Subsequently, pulls hive to bits (inexpertly), has no idea how to control contents !, all hell brakes loose, new owner runs for cover
, meanwhile just over the fence, neighbour has put buggy out with infant securely strapped in, close by pet dog is tethered (just to keep an eye on baby. Crowd of angry bees (defensive what ever) descend on baby and dog with disasterous results !!.
Go on accuse me of scare mongering, sterio typing people ,over stating what ever. My answer to that is ,I've been around bees long enough to have them kick off on more than one occasion, the gentlest of bees can erupt!!.
Giving people a starry eyed impression of the world of beekeeping is totally irresponsible !