Just been to look in my Bee's and start the process with the meanest, nastiest hive from hell and found this:
No livestock only me. I mentioned it at the time to my mate when he brought them over the stand was crap. I'll get a new stand sorted.
Given the evilness of these lot whens the best time to go back and recover the other suppers?
Just spoke to the Farmer, he looked over to them last night and they were fine so it happened last night.
If so take the supers a hundred yards or more and blow the bees out.
Don't open in the rain- they will let you know if you do!
I would go at dusk, chances are that the flying bees will have gone to new location(assuming the queen was still in the brood box) .
Give supers a good look see , if they are full of bees ,it could indicate the queen being in the supers !. Stack these on a floor and place on a crown board and roof.
Next day revisit and observe the bees behaviour !
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not sure if it was wind or deer or a badger. Taking a quick look in the fallen suppers I can't see any animal like damage yet.
With six supers on a single hive stand I think that if the queen f@rted it would have toppled over - no criticism just a learning point - now going out to check my six supered hive (says he sheepishly) although it is on a three hive stand and well sheltered i will be on the lookout for any Easterlies!
To be fair JBM I did mention this to the geezer who placed it in my out apiary and we discussed it but he was adamant it would be ok. His bad.