Not Good!!!

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Best of luck ... it just gets worse and worse for you ! I think you just need to get as suited up as much as you can .. think bomb disposal ... and get on with it. It's not going to be much fun ...


Got suited and booted even stuffed extra tea towels between me and the suit and wore a tea towel bandana, I looked like Terry Taliban. Set to work and they came from everywhere. I sure am getting quicker with these nasty evil critters had it all sorted, picked up the five supers on the floor and stacked em neatly on a floor and a make shift roof until tomorrow. All on the stand they came with. Interestingly, the hive strap wont fit its about 3 inches short!

Here's a pic:
I wonder if there are any wild boar in the area?


Deer yes, wind yes, Badgers yes, it could have been the farmers dogs they tend to "run" free.

The stand is pretty much made like an oil rig design which I commented on when I first clapped eyes on it but it will have to do until I can get it sorted.

Got suited and booted even stuffed extra tea towels between me and the suit and wore a tea towel bandana, I looked like Terry Taliban. Set to work and they came from everywhere. I sure am getting quicker with these nasty evil critters had it all sorted, picked up the five supers on the floor and stacked em neatly on a floor and a make shift roof until tomorrow. All on the stand they came with. Interestingly, the hive strap wont fit its about 3 inches short!

Here's a pic:

Well.... that's a result - well done !!
Well done.
It makes one think that all of us should have some really tough protective gear "just in case"
I've kept my leather gauntlets that came free with the suit, just need an impenetrable suit.
I was at Maisees yesterday and had a look at one of those 'vented/airflow' suits out of curiosity. I tried a smock on and first impression was how bulky and even hot it was due to what looked like three stiff layers, to be cool in it I'd say you would need some kind of breeze. It did look like a difficult job for bees to be able to sting through it though. As for other suits the answer is layers underneath, stingers are only so long afterall. A baseball hat and a hoody should see your head ok.
A baseball hat .

Great minds , use the hard type with peak my self . I know it sounds silly but the peak keeps the the veil off your forehead if you are looking up at swarms etc . Saves you getting stung on the forehead .
Chicago white soxs rule OK .

Got suited and booted even stuffed extra tea towels between me and the suit and wore a tea towel bandana, I looked like Terry Taliban. Set to work and they came from everywhere. I sure am getting quicker with these nasty evil critters had it all sorted, picked up the five supers on the floor and stacked em neatly on a floor and a make shift roof until tomorrow. All on the stand they came with. Interestingly, the hive strap wont fit its about 3 inches short!

Here's a pic:

Your stand still looks pretty unstable to me, especially if it is just standing on soil.
I would lay four breeze blocks flat on the ground and stand the hive on them til you sort out something more stable.
Great minds , use the hard type with peak my self . I know it sounds silly but the peak keeps the the veil off your forehead if you are looking up at swarms etc . Saves you getting stung on the forehead .
Chicago white soxs rule OK .

Always wear one however they then stung me on my ears thro the side of the head piece instead hence the bandana....... aint you gotta love them?

And as there are many wasps about its now only four supers high, the top one was full of honey so I've had it off as a precaution and to help the bee's and support my IWM plan.....
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Always wear one however they then stung me on my ears thro the side of the head piece instead hence the bandana....... aint you gotta love them?

And as there are many wasps about its now only four supers high, the top one was full of honey so I've had it off as a precaution and to help the bee's and support my IWM plan.....

so now you have honey at last ?
Yes I do Derek..... but there has to be easier ways than this lol.

I have extracted it and a super full from my other site and have two buckets full in the kitchen waiting to go into the jars.
Hi Hachi,
My neighbours always say cheaper to buy it from the supermarket. However, that is not really the point in my opinion. Apart from knowing how you obtained the honey you are preserving a skill in this country, as a hobbyist, which may eventually go on a commercial basis?
Hi Hachi,
My neighbours always say cheaper to buy it from the supermarket. However, that is not really the point in my opinion. Apart from knowing how you obtained the honey you are preserving a skill in this country, as a hobbyist, which may eventually go on a commercial basis?

Yup your right Beeno it isn't the point and no matter how I try I can't give it up. I came out of the winter with two small hives, well ok NUC's :coolgleamA: now have five strong hives and have given away a swarm I got and sorted to a mate who lost all his last winter.

Turning Cmrcl is not for me, I've listened to a few on here and I came to BEEK late and haven't the necessary skills set to make it work not for a longtime.
Sourced a new Q and went today to begin the process. Tried to lift the BB and Super but too heavy and it all went ping tong very quickly. As soon as I cracked the crown board off to move it piece meal they went completely schitzo, masses of very angry bee's all in attack mode.

I took another pasting, the water and fairy sprayer was effective and probably saved me from a right kicking.

I'm done with them, I've texted my mate who gave them to me to come and collect them he can have them back otherwise I will sort the problem out once and for all.
All sorted, they're going to a new home with a commercial beek on Sat morning.

I've Put the petrol back in the mower
Great minds , use the hard type with peak my self . I know it sounds silly but the peak keeps the the veil off your forehead if you are looking up at swarms etc . Saves you getting stung on the forehead .
Chicago white soxs rule OK .

Chin actually!
Ah well ... happy ending then !

Tis for me bud, thanks for your help, much appreciated.

Up to him then what he does. No doubt they will be pussy's when he has them :cuss: