No activity outside "strong" hive

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Take that metal mouse guard off - it'll hinder the returning foragers, particularly those with pollen.
Probably still a few weeks premature to take the guard off.

:iagree: Night temperatures are still low enough to make the bees go into a huddle and allow a mouse to sneak in for a nosh. If you have the time take them off by day and replace at night - not really necessary though.
OK. Guard has come off - sister hive never had one for some reason.

But on Wednesday it was lovely and warm 15Degs
I had a quick peek into both hives.

Saw her highness on both occasions +eggs
Sealed brood in the no.2 hive.
The busier hive (no.2) has more bees, both have pleanty of stores so I'm a really happy chappie

Panic over:willy_nilly:

Beekeepers are so impatient and I am no exception .IT IS ONLY MARCH...give them a break -the weather has been crass.

But my 'quiet' colony near the house made me jump today. Suddenly about 200 bees piling out- climbing up the front- and was too cold for them to be out - but obviously just the newbees having a look out cos after 20 mins they all piled back to other new bee keepers -this can happen to yours- dont worry about swarming at this time of the year- bees just do this sometimes.

They wont be swarming for at least 2 weeks!!! :rofl:
Please dinna wind up the newbies Heather they will be nervous enough.

Swarming is some way off yet, it is after all STILL WINTER.

Swarming is some way off yet, it is after all STILL WINTER.

It's official. Next Monday is the first day of spring!!

Dons hard hat and ducks behind nearest snow drift/drift of snow drops*

* Delete as applicable
"It's official. Next Monday is the first day of spring!!

Dons hard hat and ducks behind nearest snow drift"

pic 1 taken 12 days ago after and pic 2 taken 10/3 last year (shoulder deep in places - the glove is actually on top of a chicken house just visible towards bottom right).

sorry about orientation - have real problems with Preview saving rotated pics (with or without exif tag checked).
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They wont be swarming for at least 2 weeks!!!

Not far out,about 3 to 4 weeks.
I haven't heard of anyone reporting normal drone brood yet. So not a lot of risk for swarms yet.

Second report:) Recently emerged drones seen in two colonies together with drone brood in all stages from egg to capped. (Inspection on 7 March)

Hivemaker - from your time line you reckon the drones are mature 3 weeks from emerging is that so?

Looking to have my first bash at grafting this year and want to get my timing right, and hope the weather co-operates.
usually have emerged drones in last week of march,first week of april.

Ignoring MJBee (being almost riviera climate c/f the UK) you, Hivemaker, would not expect any natural swarms until these drones are at least flying?

Your early drone colonies (presumably have been fed to accelerate the brooding to achieve your target of these early drones) so your matings will be more likely with your drones (because they are earlier than the regular mongrels left to their own devices)?

There seem to be a lot on the forum who are expecting swarms far too early and are not reading the simple indicators - eg whether there is drone brood in their hive or not.

Regards, RAB
I have some capped drone in a healthy normal brood pattern. None seen emerged yet.
Last year -first swarm call was March 27th!!
Quote - Ignoring MJBee - Unquote

I'm used to that RAB:D

Thanks for the confirmation Hivemaker:hurray:
I have drone brood at all stages too - as well as a few wandering around looking bored...

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