NHS problems

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Field Bee
Oct 19, 2014
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West Norfolk
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I went to the local surgery today to collect some tab's for the wife. There was a chart on display showing the number of missed appointment for the last 4 months. Over 200 missed per month with highest 265. What a waste of resources. Patients should be fined for missing appointment.
Sometimes my over zealous mind thinks that some may be making bogus appointments, as a protest to the government, or a release so Drs can have a few minutes off? But then I wake up and smell the coffee.:D:leaving:
At our dentist if you miss an appointment they reserve the right to refuse to treat you on the NHS and as they are the only ones in the town and have a long waiting list of potential customers they don't get many missed appointments. Maybe this system could work for GP's.
At our dentist if you miss an appointment they reserve the right to refuse to treat you on the NHS and as they are the only ones in the town and have a long waiting list of potential customers they don't get many missed appointments. Maybe this system could work for GP's.

Our dentist shop is the same, seems like a good system to me.
They phoned 111 and were told to go to A&E
They phoned 111 and were told to go to A&E

My doctor sometimes just shuts on odd days (for training I'm told) so the gate is locked. There is a number you call for advice and the advice is..............Yep! go to A and E!!! Ah Ha! So that's why A and E are busy!!!:banghead:
If I counted up the amount of time I have spent waiting due to late running appointments at the hospital and GP and charged for my time I would be a lot better off.
If I counted up the amount of time I have spent waiting due to late running appointments at the hospital and GP and charged for my time I would be a lot better off.

Agree. They don't mind keeping you waiting.....but you keep them waiting...........!:nono:
Had to wait 3 weeks to see my GP in December after having to restrain a pupil and doing my back in, I now know I have 2 slipped discs one at the top and one at the bottom of my back. Even putting the baby's pram causes my back to go into spasm.

What they offered a physio appointment and some exercises. how wonderful the GP system is. not fit for purpose down here.
Although there is much needing to be done to most departments I cant fault the radiotherapy department.
Because of a shortage of parking spaces I always got there early for my appointments....Out of 6 and a half weeks of treatment I was only delayed twice and that was mechanical failure...
Many times I was out before my appointment time.
all other parts of the NHS I have used have been suburb and I have had use of a few over the last Cpl of years.
Had to wait 3 weeks to see my GP in December after having to restrain a pupil and doing my back in, I now know I have 2 slipped discs one at the top and one at the bottom of my back. Even putting the baby's pram causes my back to go into spasm.

What they offered a physio appointment and some exercises. how wonderful the GP system is. not fit for purpose down here.

Standard procedure I'm afraid. Best thing to do is to wait awhile, then go back to your GP and insist on a referral. They always give you the physio to start with as a lot of "time wasters" go to Docs. with 'bad backs'.
Be stubborn and eventually they will get you to right people just to get rid of you!;):)
To be fair.......Although the NHS is struggling (due to useless mp's and senior managers mainly) I have to admit, that I think it's wonderful thing to have.
Compared to a lot of other countries, where if you can't pay, you die, it's brilliant.
When I think of the UK, I always think of the NHS being the "jewel in the crown" of this great land.
I'm becoming emotional now!!!:sorry::)
NHS = diabolical in places but on average very good and has been getting much better .However that means you have to complain when its not right and make sure you personally thank people when it is.
Today I had occasion to visit my GP, she was running late as always BUT, the reason she runs late is that if you need 30 mins. you get it.
We aren't pushed out of the door after the allowed 10 mins.

It must be a bu**er if you have gone from work and you're twice as long as you think but I would rather wait for a thorough consultation than rush in and out and just get some pills to keep you happy.

Our GP will pull relevant info from the web whilst you're there as she knows most of what she says doesn't lodge in the brain in the timeframe so we are sent home to read and ring with any queries.

Having said all that she is normally 10 mins late starting in the morning, if you're the first appointment you still have to wait 10 mins.

Added; I would rather wait for a FULL consultation than be sent home quickly with some pills to get me out of the surgery.

Second and important addition: If you have a blood test taken ask for a calcium test to be done. OH had a test done in error and has 'hyperparathyroidism'. a google will come with the correct spelling.

Kidney stones etc. are part of it so if you can find out earlier than when the manure hits the impeller you are ahead of the game.
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