Hello All,
I am Boylucid and have just joined this group, I am a new bee keeper with one hive which was Kindly given to me by a beekeeper who used my land for several years.
So I was given a queen and three frames in March and due to the poor summer kept up a sugar feed til July. Last month as well as the Super being very full and busy I have a set of full frames above the excluder and all was moving along nicely, added Verola sticks and there is no sign of the mite.
Beginning of August I reduced the opening to a 2" wide gap to make wasp intrusion more difficult....
Sadly I am noticing a lot of dead bees around the hive, so this morning I swept them away to see what quantity was appearing on a daily basis..... with in a 6 hour span I have about 100 bees again outside the entrance and on the approach. every 5-10 minutes bees are bringing out dead or weak bees.
I looked in the hive, removed the excluder and without removing the frames it all looked very busy and healthy and no dead bees from top of hive to super...
I cannot contact the bee keeper who started me off, but called someone I know and he has said the following....
" they might be bringing pollen back to the hive which has pesticide on it, and if the Queen eats the same pollen she will die as well!"
Could I ask you all for your opinion? Would you open again and inspect the super frames for wasps already in there or is this normal for the UK in August ( Kew Gardens Area) or is there something else you thing going wrong here?
Getting frantic
I am Boylucid and have just joined this group, I am a new bee keeper with one hive which was Kindly given to me by a beekeeper who used my land for several years.
So I was given a queen and three frames in March and due to the poor summer kept up a sugar feed til July. Last month as well as the Super being very full and busy I have a set of full frames above the excluder and all was moving along nicely, added Verola sticks and there is no sign of the mite.
Beginning of August I reduced the opening to a 2" wide gap to make wasp intrusion more difficult....
Sadly I am noticing a lot of dead bees around the hive, so this morning I swept them away to see what quantity was appearing on a daily basis..... with in a 6 hour span I have about 100 bees again outside the entrance and on the approach. every 5-10 minutes bees are bringing out dead or weak bees.
I looked in the hive, removed the excluder and without removing the frames it all looked very busy and healthy and no dead bees from top of hive to super...
I cannot contact the bee keeper who started me off, but called someone I know and he has said the following....
" they might be bringing pollen back to the hive which has pesticide on it, and if the Queen eats the same pollen she will die as well!"
Could I ask you all for your opinion? Would you open again and inspect the super frames for wasps already in there or is this normal for the UK in August ( Kew Gardens Area) or is there something else you thing going wrong here?
Getting frantic