Thorne design dept. (if such a thing exists) have no idea how to communicate visually and effectively, and that label is a mess.
The aim ought to enable immediate separation between good insect and bad and to leave one image in the memory of the consumer. Instead we have confused imagery and wordage that reads like a baby BBKA module.
As it stands, at a quick glance it looks as if both insects are threats, because the title
HELP STOP ASIAN HORNETS! sits above both images and appears to apply to both. To emphasise that confusion the insect ID is almost hidden, relegated to the sides of the label and at right angles to all else.
Only three elements are necessary:
1 A big Euro hornet and a big type ID above it
2 A big Asian hornet (on the right, as Phil pointed out) and a big type ID above it
3 Reporting email blurb
Two colour panels that divided the label would enable quick differentiation; most viewers will give 1.5 seconds for a label to hold their attention and visual certainty is crucial. The words 'good' and 'bad' could be included above each insect.
The combination of the AH and granulation info. is another mistake that will dilute both messages, and why the chapter & verse? I reduced my granulation info. to 15 words (
Honey crystallises naturally. To liquify it, stand the jar in very hot water until clear).
most Beekeeping associations, BBKA, WBKA calling then Yellow Legged Hornets to avoid confusion.
Was it an attempt to improve casual ID, or an effort to remove imaginary racial offence? Either reason is misguided and would be equally so if an attempt was made to re-name the European hornet. If we're not careful someone
will roll up to take offence at the use of the word 'European', for equally spurious reasons. All nonsense, and such tip-toeing round words will do nothing to engage us in proper conversation to accelerate the zero tolerance of racism.
PS: that label works only on the outdated 454g jar and will look even more of a mess on a hex jar. To their credit, Thorne have a
40mm sq. and more sensible AH label.
PPS: Thorne have all that is needed on this
21x38mm label.