As I said at first I had no intention of putting them in the garden, they are going on the allotment. It was the neighbour who jumped to the wrong conclusion and I just let it run. However the rear garden could be suitable for possibly 2 hives and now thinking could I get away with one in the front �� Or would that just be pushing it......
I don't think you are listening to some of the more rational voices on here - whilst I would not try to dissuade you from siting colonies either in your garden or on your allotment you should be aware that keeping bees in proximity to people who:
a) May be generally frightened of stinging insects.
b) May (sometimes unknowingly) be seriously allergic to bee stings - think death ?
c) May have visitors, children, pets that could be stung.
d) WILL blame your bees for anything that happens.
e) May see an opportunity to make your beekeeping a miserable battle.
Is stepping into beekeeping (more so as a new beekeeper) with a millstone that could hang round your neck ... As a number of people have said ... find an alternative (and remote from your location) apiary site that you can move your bees to if everything comes on top. Unless you have an allotment which only you use and not part of a greater allotment site then it's no better (and possibly more fraught with potential disaster) than your garden.
I'm not sure whether you have actually handled any full colonies of bees yet ... if you haven't then it's something you should do well before you get any bees of your own. A full size colony of 30,000 stinging insects who are trying to kill you is something that puts a lot of people off. My bees are gentle, easy to handle and no real bother - but last year I was involved in what can only be described as the colony from hell - and there are LOTS of people on here who will tell you stories of bees that are not well behaved. It's not fun and whilst things can be corrected you never really know when a colony could/will turn into something less manageable.
The fact that you even consider putting bees in your front garden demonstrates a naievity that is worrying in itself. Beekeeping requires a high degree of responsibility - bees are not fluffy bunnies for your kids to play with. Even the most gentle of bees can and do sting.