my great plan for this year was to over winter my 7 hives of good strong bee's in the heated bee shed.
turn the heating up in march with syrup and pollon feed, start the two main ones off, as bee quantity bee breeders and to use three of the others to make new queens with the others producing honey and wax.
by april /may time i was to have set the first ten+ queens and nucs on the go and then would have reset again to make another twenty nucs by late july time.
I was also going to set up two very small out apiaries one for breeding and one as a crop producer.
lovely plan that what realy happened was!!!!!!
my son went down with a walnut sized brain tumour and i got myself a job after three months of ub40 living in Luton and working in hatfield and enfield and colindale in london, so iam away all week, apart from the weekend and wednesday night when i came home and sat in a hospital ward for hours on end,
end result was only two hives of bee's and some honey
the friend who was supposed to be , bee sitting had the rest nicked and all i have for a years work is one naff hive and a completly braced comb filled triple of supers and a right game to get them sorted out for the winter feeding and survival.
i love it when a great plan works out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!