My birds have come back

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Oct 26, 2013
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Great Yarmouth
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I am looking out of the window this morning and for the first day of this winter my bird table is covered with tits and finches feasting on the seeds I put out for them :party:

Robin redbreast has just made an appearance too, the world is all right after all.
same here they were forming a queue on the telephone wire going to my workshop this morning .
Yes, lovely to see more birds than the summer sparrows,chaffinches and tits.
Sparrowhawk is finding it easier too.
We have fewer birds in our garden that at any time over the last few years. I've no idea where they've gone, but if the winter migrants are arriving it means we may get some new visitors soon.
With my birds of prey tethered in the garden, it would be quite reasonable to think that birds would keep their distance.
It is quite the opposite. My birds keep the cats away, so have a good variety visiting and nesting.

The tits and finches have free reign, but the thrushes, blackbirds and collared doves stay just far away enough to be out of reach, but also drink for birds' baths... but only after mine have been fed (they must know!!)
we are patrolled regulary by the sparrow hawk keeps the population down but a glorious site to see them skimming through the garden nearly knocked me over a couple of times...
One of the dogs found a wood pigeon squab the other day. We found the nest and put it back with its mate but found it under the hedge again the next day. It was returned a second time but the day after all there was was a pile of feathers on the lawn.
We regularly get starlings in the fields around at this time of year and the injured ones ....limp wings missing legs etc tend to find their way into the garden to spend the winter on the fat balls we put out.
Goldfinches and siskins will be here soon too
Three of the nest boxes have blue tits roosting and one had seven wrens in it last night.
We've had a couple of scout goldfinches on the feeders this week...the rest of the posse will arrive toot sweet, I reckon. Hundreds, usually, along with greenfinches, chaffs and occasionally hawfinches :hurray:
Mr or Mrs Jay arrived a few minutes ago.:)

We have one that comes for peanuts in the morning and buries them in the lawn.
I have watched squirrels burying nuts in the lawn too.....followed a few paces behind by a crow who promptly digs them up. Clever things!!
The numbers of starlings are up too and walking home from working on the allotment or at the apiary they rush overhead on their way to roost.....makes my hairs prickle.....lovely sound.
On that note.....we get them roosting and murmurating at Aberystwyth pier; famous for it and a grand spectacle worth going to watch.
There was a Marston Inn built on the outskirts this year and that's called "The Starling Cloud". I thought that was very clever:)
There was some publicised dissent because it wasn't given a Welsh name but I'm glad sense prevailed.

Still waiting for goldfinches.
Fieldfares and Redwings have gone now a lot of the trees are bare of fruit.
There was some publicised dissent because it wasn't given a Welsh name but I'm glad sense prevailed.

Do you know, off the top of my head I can't think of any Welsh pub names apart from 'Tafarn Jem' of course.
Was told of a pub (in Liverpool I think) called the Cockwell Inn :eek:
I am looking out of the window this morning and for the first day of this winter my bird table is covered with tits and finches feasting on the seeds I put out for them :party:

Robin redbreast has just made an appearance too, the world is all right after all.

Just had a similar moment looking out of the kitchen window and two Little Glebe’s popped up just lovely. You hardly see them during the summer as they are shy and I think they prefer more open water but during the winter they seem to move onto rivers and the canal.
Have 4 Oven birds that have taken up residence in the garden
I have pheasants patiently waiting for all the little birds to drop crumbs from the feeders. Size isn't everything it would seem.
A simple bird table offers hours of fun.
A very underrated piece of kit imho

And a peanut feeder - as well as bringing hours of fun watching the little chirpers feed can also offer good sport with an air rifle when the tree rats move in

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