Moving a swarm 20 metres

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New Bee
Jan 19, 2013
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I picked up a swarm earlier and want to put it in a hive that it probably came from. I going to struggle to find time to do it tonight or tomorrow morning but don't want to miss the chance to move it 20 metres down the road.

So my question is... How long can I leave it before the flying bees call the temporary spot home and then have to move it the requisite 3 miles?

To be honest in my experience you can move them short distances at any point. The closer to the swarming time the better but provided you get them to think before they fly you should be ok. If for example you combine through paper then put the bees you move on top of the paper. If you are just moving a short distance then block the entrance with twigs. I use twigs with green leaves, as the leaves wilt the bees can get in and out easier, but to start with they come across the obstacle and have to crawl over and under to get out. This seems to make them think. Having thought, they return to the hive they have just left not to the original site...... There will always be one or two that will forget but it is worth a try. If you get hundreds returning to the site put a super on a floor for them to gather in. In the evening combine with the hive over paper.
Hope that helps!
However.... Your question says that you are going to put them back from whence they swarmed! Not sure that is a good idea! They will just take off again I reckon! Leave it for a few weeks before you combine them again.
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Thanks Enrico & Ratcatcher.

They were already doing their orientation flying at 7:30 this morning, so I'm going to block them in tonight and move them tomorrow. Will leave a polynuc at the current temporary site in case too many fly back there.

I have read about this twig blocking entrance idea before but never had the balls to give it a go. First time for everything as they say...
In case you're interested fellas, it worked a treat. Saw the queen and she'd already laid up 4 frames a week ago.

Moved another newly hived swarm the same way and that seems to have worked too.

Thanks again for the advise.

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