ITMA - that paper specifically DID NOT look at just thymolated syrup - the only PURE thymol was in the liquid protein feed arm - a major flaw in the methodology if you ask me. have yet to receive a reply from author to explain the lapse. agreed that thymol IS present in origanum oil at varying levels BUT the authors do not describe quantitating how much was actually present in the oil they used. There is no reference to carvacrol:thymol ratios either for the oils or the larval samples of various ages. If i were reviewing the paper for publication i would have bounced it back to authors for clarification/amendments.
"In Experiment 1, treatment colonies were fed a sugar syrup diet
(1:1 sucrose: water w/w) supplemented with either origanum oil or
two formulations of 2-heptanone.
For Experiment 2, treatment colonies were fed a liquid protein diet mixture that contained either
origanum oil, cinnamon oil, thymol, or the two formulations of 2-