Mini Nuc what would happen

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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This is not what i am planing to do but i was wondering .
If a mini nuc was made up Q and a few bees , as long as it was fed.
How far would it develope by the end of the yr?
A day or two at the most as the Q would run out of laying space. Perhaps you could add a few hundred side extensions for the kiddies?
ok add to a nuc then , but would they grow in strengh ?
I took this on two years ago and in fact, *modest look* built them up to a full colony.


No pics now but I made up a five frame *super* and using a plywood adaptor plate, got them up into it making them a five frame nuc, albeit a half size one, and when they were bursting with bees put on top a full nuc and off they went.

It's poss but takes patience and feed.

PH what time of yr did you start them off ?

Its something i would like to have a go at.
I took this on two years ago and in fact, *modest look* built them up to a full colony.


No pics now but I made up a five frame *super* and using a plywood adaptor plate, got them up into it making them a five frame nuc, albeit a half size one, and when they were bursting with bees put on top a full nuc and off they went.

It's poss but takes patience and feed.


? poly nuc or late Nucs just die overwinter when i have used a ply nuc
This is not what i am planing to do but i was wondering .
If a mini nuc was made up Q and a few bees , as long as it was fed.
How far would it develope by the end of the yr?

I did exactly that last year. Queen raised about now. Moved to nuc, then full size. Colony is now the best I have. Not too much effort.
If a mini nuc was made up Q and a few bees , as long as it was fed.

It will not exist long time. When cells are full of eggs, your queen and bees swarm and try to find a better home.

If you need a wintering hive, 5 frame of bees is reasonable demand to the beginner. It is 1 kg bees swarm. (this time of year)
Where i am in the middle of trying to move my bees up into a new BB . I was thinking of when the queen is laying up there put 2 boxes between the bottom BB and the top BB.
Or something along these lines, i will have to look at my TH book :)
But the idea is that one of the BB will make queen cells because of lack of Q substance.
Then take the old queen out put in nuc with some bees and see how it goes whilst feeding.

Does this sound right or a bad idea ?
Overly complex for your first year.

Just get the bees into the hive you want them in without stressing and messing them.

Leave mini nucs in the mean time as most never use them and fewer still have a handle on how to work them.

If you want to bank the queen then use a conventional nuc.


Thw Q is a last yr 09 Queen . Although she prob get me through the year i want a back up Q. And have been thinking that the nuc idea might be the way to go. I can always renite the bees if 1 Q goes peer shaped. I also want to keep this type of bee if pos rather than buy a Q as they seem nice for me to work with.
Any other way you think of that will give me a spare Q ?

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