Many going to the National Honey Show?

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I caught the Nigel Semmence one, how did any other discussion differ?
The talk from the NBU was fairly positive with details of the nests trapped and eliminated, the work the team was doing and how we would hear more on government/DEFRA plans early next year. Quite upbeat on the whole.
Richard Noel on the other hand had a lot of bad news, tales of lost hives, warnings that unless we really get our act together by spring, small scale/hobbyist beekeepers are in for a rough time (safety in numbers principal, ie 1 AH nest nearby can’t decimate 30-40+ hives but 1 to a few in a back garden are doomed). Beekeeper registration renewals in France are down by 30% this year with people giving up.
Went today , unfortunately no talks for me as I’d left it a bit late to book.
Pleasant train journey and extremely friendly and helpful stewards.
The photographs on the first floor were amazing
Think I’ll book some annual leave next year and get a membership for the whole 3 days
Lovely to put faces to names
And have a good chin wag
And get a selfie with Michael.
@BeeKeyPlayer has a picture of some of us.
Good day.
Good to see everyone today, enjoyed all the talks I went to - 2 x Randy Oliver and 1 x Mike Palmer - all informative and thought provoking. Managed to avoid spending a fortune in the trade hall |(avoided the nicely made and reasonably priced solar wax melters and now regretting it as I have to make a new one !).

Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Completely bee'd out by the time I'd finished.
Went today , unfortunately no talks for me as I’d left it a bit late to book.
Pleasant train journey and extremely friendly and helpful stewards.
The photographs on the first floor were amazing
Think I’ll book some annual leave next year and get a membership for the whole 3 days
Same here...left it too late for any of the workshops yesterday :(. So will book in advance next time and not miss out. Still, had a good day - treated myself to a new bee suit...and then a gas vap....(Saved buying a new battery - is my excuse !!), and also had a nice chat with Jo Widdecombe on the BIBBA stand. And yes, impressive bee pics on the first floor.
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Lovely to put faces to names
And have a good chin wag
And get a selfie with Michael.
@BeeKeyPlayer has a picture of some of us.
Good day.
Our little meet-up at the National Honey Show. Nice to actually meet some Forum people at last.


  • Honey Show meet-up.jpg
    Honey Show meet-up.jpg
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Bit of a last minute decision for me although it had been a strong possibility; went along with my nephew today. 24 years since we last attended when he was four.

Well worth the visit, some great talks for sure.
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Our little meet-up at the National Honey Show. Nice to actually meet some Forum people at last.
A collective age around 500 years in that photo ! Says something about beekeeping ... mind you, at nearly 90 Wally is still running 40 hives but thinks he might cut down a bit next season ... puts most of us to shame and his mind is razor sharp.
Haha I was say to the right of you for this picture. Had a great little chat with Michael Palmer beforehand.

Some great talks, won a 1st prize and spent far too much 🤣
Well done on your first place, I managed to get 2 firsts and VHC in the cake classes . My wife got a VHC ,HC in the craft classes ,Enjoyed the show my first time ,made some lovely new friends and aim to keep in touch ,The lectures very informative. Looking forward to next year and hopefully have some honey to show.