Lost my Lovely Bees

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House Bee
Jul 20, 2011
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Lost my Lovely Bees
Led Zepil......Babe I'm gonna leave you..........
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Swarmed because you didn't clip the queen. What about casts too? Poor inspection and swarm prevention routine at fault.
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Lol, if i had posted about losing a swarm i would have been ripped to bits.:icon_204-2:
I know many who never lose a swarm. They also believe the queen lives for ever!
I know many who never lose a swarm. They also believe the queen lives for ever!

yes, it's the same beekeepers who always say the forage is very poor in their area as they never get much honey
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Swarmed because you didn't clip the queen. What about casts too? Poor inspection and swarm prevention routine at fault.
Says he who lets colonies die over winter under the premise of 'survival of the fittest' rather than neglectful management practices and leaving a roaring gale through the hive
Is swarm management (QC inspections, AS, etc) a normal part of Warré ownership?

Genuine question, people would have me believe that bees don't swarm from Warrés (or Zest hives supposedly) ... I'm more than sceptical.
Well I've kept bees 38 years and some years it doesn't matter what you do re swarm control. When they decide they are going then that's it they go. Personally I think this year is up there as one of the worst in terms of swarming in my time keeping them. Don't beat yourself up it happens to everybody despite what they say. It's also more than possible that those who say they have no or very few swarms just miss them!