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Sep 4, 2011
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My son is getting himself organised to apply for PhD positions at the moment and as it's the first time he's had to write one, sent us his CV to cast an eye over. I got as far as this:

"completing a Master’s project regarding asymmetric allylic alkylation at the α-amino position using metallaphotoredox methods"

I'm lost :laughing-smiley-014

My son is getting himself organised to apply for PhD positions at the moment and as it's the first time he's had to write one, sent us his CV to cast an eye over. I got as far as this:

"completing a Master’s project regarding asymmetric allylic alkylation at the α-amino position using metallaphotoredox methods"

I'm lost :laughing-smiley-014

So he played with molecular structure?
So he played with molecular structure?

Honestly, I have no idea :D

From what he has talked about when he's been at home I think it might be something to do with trying to bias reactions that produce multiple structures of the same molecule so that they end up creating more of a desirable form than a less-desirable or completely unwanted form, but we're way beyond my O-Level Chemistry at this point :)

My son is getting himself organised to apply for PhD positions at the moment and as it's the first time he's had to write one, sent us his CV to cast an eye over. I got as far as this:

"completing a Master’s project regarding asymmetric allylic alkylation at the α-amino position using metallaphotoredox methods"

I'm lost :laughing-smiley-014

Best of luck to him . Undertaking a PhD can be a hard slog especially when it comes to writing it up.

My son asked me to review an early published paper entitled "Uncertainty and sensitivity in optode-based shelf-sea net community production estimates.":unsure:

Basically using autonomous marine devices to measure stuff and beam it back in order to develop prediction models of environmental change.

Im told there was a Russian scientist who studied beavers for years and published many papers; each entitled "More about beavers".
I very occasionally look at my PhD (it's on a shelf in the garage) and when I look at it I think what on earth was that about. And how did it take 3 years. However, even though it was typed on an electric typewriter with no delete function meaning that getting it right on the page first time and no computer driven lab equipment it was completed spot on time. No reference software either. Changed days with late submissions and massive reference lists which could not possibly have been read!! Hope it all goes well.