Lest we forget...

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This country does not have the respect for the elderly in the way China etc does... But it isn't an absolute right. Respect is earned too.
And don't forget that some 90+yr olds have children 70 ish with health problems too..
We also have lonely discarded young people - all walks of life need courtesy and care.
It's easy to feel guilty, but a report in another paper described him as a private and slightly irascible character, so maybe he didn't want any visitors. Some people don't, my Dad didn't and would almost push people away.
Don't beat yourselves up!
We all have a limited time in the Sun :) for some we are caught with a sharp frost ,others shrivel in the heat and some hang on bonsai like ,long beyond the average .
I was at the cenotaph parade in Whitehall Sunday, some of us (most of us :) ) were living on borrowed time .
The in joke being " I got a free tv license at 75 , nudge ; I also got free life membership to the " I don't give a damn club" well something like that ! :D

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