lawn mower repairs

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
i have a very old and very cream crackered lawn mower for the out apairy that did have a single wire strand that worked the throttle which has snaped what sort of wire was it and does any one know where i can get hold of four foot of new strand cable from
Lawn mower repair shop, bicycle shop, agricultural machinery supplier, epay?

If it was a single wire, it may need to be the same (unstranded) for optimum operation if push/pull.

Regards, RAB
Pete - I hope it has a suitable emergency stop sign (red in colour) prominently displayed? (I'll get my coat......) :eek::eek::eek:
I have a 37 year old Hayter Hayterette in excellent working order so have a little knowledge of old machinery. My next door neighbour, though, has a LARGE cylinder mower from a bowling green dated around 1950s. It cuts very well..
some of the older gear was built to last centuries not just years, i have my beloved and it is beloved howard gem in the shed awaiting for me to get my fingers out from a orifice and get it working again. which she will do hopefully this year , i have finaly brought all the bits for it no they just want bolting on and her timing resetting and a very strong arm to turn it over
Howard Gem. Great machines.

Q1. What make/model of mower? I can check my collection!
Q2. Is is just a wire length with no fittings? Some mowers crimp or hard connect fittings either end to make the diy brigade buy original spares.

You could always try the local refuse/recycle yard. Or better still the scrappies? our local scrap metal dealer's yard is heaving with old mowers. Most of the
Easily repairable and heaps better than the new tat!


fred it was once many years ago a hatter lawn mower but it is well past its sell by date. i will try over the bank holiday weekend to see if i can find a proper lawn mower shop, the wire its self is a straight piece with two bends in each end folded into the controler and carb

Guess what i found today? Two hayters complete with cables. Got one off but the outer sleeve is a bit naff. Thinks...... If you only need the inner bit but the ends are double cranked how are you going to get the inner bit out?

Gis a pm with a mobile number and i"ll bell you tonight


How about a bit of mig/tig wire? Gauge to suit.

Just a thought.