New Bee
Hi all, I am a farmer from Lincolnshire and I have some land with osr on, if anyone is interested in putting bee hives at the centre of the farm I would be very interested.
Hi all, I am a farmer from Lincolnshire and I have some land with osr on, if anyone is interested in putting bee hives at the centre of the farm I would be very interested.
Sounds as though you should start keeping bees yourself. Diversification is all the rage so I read.Hi all, I am a farmer from Lincolnshire and I have some land with osr on, if anyone is interested in putting bee hives at the centre of the farm I would be very interested.
Marvelous post ! Bravo jimmyriddle
Maybe to really explore the power of the interweb to practically help beekeeping we should copy this post and use it as an example for interested parties on other farming and smallholding forums.
Should we have a "land available" section to make it easier for people looking for bees to be put on their land?
Should we have a "land available" section to make it easier for people looking for bees to be put on their land?
Should we have a "land available" section to make it easier for people looking for bees to be put on their land?
I was just thinking the same when I read the first post - it'll be a help to both farmers and beekeepers - a win win situation
Someone might be able to help you with the pigeons as well!
Well done to Jimmy but farmers shouldn't have to advertise. I have never been refused - just knock on their door with a couple of jars of honey in your hand after already scouting out where you want to put your bees and any reasonable farmer will agree.
The main thing is to have a good idea where you want to put the bees and be able to answer any questions the farmer may have about spraying.
And at the risk of sounding a bit dismissive if you don't have any honey to give them (e.g. this is your first season) or don't know what to do about spraying don't think of taking bees to OSR unless you want a panic crash course in beekeeping which is what you will get with rapid colony expansion and swarm control measures to be taken.
Good advice the problem I have is finding who actually owns the land. Farms near me have long since sold their land and have become just houses unfortunately keeping farm in the name of the house. I knocked on three farm doors last year to ask permission to put hives on rape only to be told they were no longer farms and had no idea who the land belong to.
Should we have a "land available" section to make it easier for people looking for bees to be put on their land?