Kaptar Hive Lifter

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I bought one last year and have been very impressed with it.
The wheels where inside the frame which can make it a little unsteady on uneven ground. Talked to Lajos about a conversion around Xmas time. There wasn't a conversion but he would work on it.
Imagine my pleasant surprise when totally out of the blue a courier arrived today with a mystery package.......the conversion. Wow this is what I call service.
You can see from the before and after pictures how much steadier it is going to be.
Well done Lajos and thank you very much.

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No before and after pictures.....
should be 2 pictures in original post, the before and after.
How strange....see if it works now.
Both pictures were showing up fine in my browser.
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I bought one last year and have been very impressed with it.
The wheels where inside the frame which can make it a little unsteady on uneven ground. Talked to Lajos about a conversion around Xmas time. There wasn't a conversion but he would work on it.
Imagine my pleasant surprise when totally out of the blue a courier arrived today with a mystery package.......the conversion. Wow this is what I call service.
You can see from the before and after pictures how much steadier it is going to be.
Well done Lajos and thank you very much.


Who is Lajos?
If lifting a heavy box, does it tilt forward at all?

You need to keep the hive sides vertical to the lift .i.e no roof on to create an angle. Once you master that bit it's a cake walk. I was happily lifting hives up into the back of my truck with 3 full supers to clear at my home apiary.
I'd quite like the electric one...but a bit beyond me at the moment.
You can pick up some of the vids from their web site.
I think if you work in pairs or have someone to help you they are not needed, but as I do most of my beekeeping on my own as their site says "My spine will be younger".
No they are pneumatic, which is generally thought be the best Tyre type for uneven ground usage as more shock absorbency
Solids are more used on flat stable surfaces. like concrete floored buildings where cushioning is not so much of an issue
Although I understand that some of the latest solids have similar cushioning properties to pneumatic.
For the state of some of my Cornish Apiary sites... would need an electric tracked version!

Amphibious even better... bees are growing gills!
How much do these cost and where did you get it from?I checked out the link but the email I sent an email but it wasn't delivered.