June Gap???

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we have the Balsam in bloom by the river, Before that the been fields. I have not had a real gap as such.
June gap?
May gap for me.
Not had any nectar from 20th may and only just started bring in some this week.
checked my stronger hive today and they have absolutely no stores left whatsover! nothing! nada!
have had to put a feeder on for them
Inspected three colonies in the garden. The two strong colonies I had to feed a week or so back. The weaker colony (4 14x12 frames of brood) had a super on top with about three frames worth of stores when I did an A/S a few weeks ago so left them to it. I had to add another super as they are filling that and the brood is also honey bound.

Two colonies in an out apiary a mile away are now filling supers.
Beans have filled the gap. Also some spring OSR which is all but over now.

Just taken off (and lost) a fairly full 14 x 12 box which was put on to get it drawn. Mostly drawn on OSR, filled on beans. The two other boxes used for the same purpose - one only part drawn with about 3 frames of stores and the other 2/3rds in use for brood with the rest completely full and capped.

Definitely a June 'steady' but not too much of a 'gap' here as everything has increased stores - nothing has lost out.

Regards, RAB