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New Bee
Nov 16, 2010
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Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but what does anyone think is the best place to buy jars. Im only a hobby beekeeper so dont want to buy in bulk cheapest i have seen is 60p a jar but this goes up to about a £1 with delivery
If you dont want to buy in bulk then prices will be a lot higher, loads of threads on jars but most are buying bulk not just a few jars at a time. (you didnt say how many you are looking to buy)
Forgot to say that it is the postage that is the killer on small amounts of jars. I usually buy 7-8 boxes at a time and get free postage and they work out under 30p.
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Check with your local association.
They usually have a real bulk-buying arrangement.
Mine offer 72 jars for £17 collected at a meeting.
72 jars isn't all that much of a honey crop ...
thanks all I never thought of the local BKA which is probably the first thing I should of thought of. Suppose it makes sense in the long run to buy more than I need
thanks all I never thought of the local BKA which is probably the first thing I should of thought of. Suppose it makes sense in the long run to buy more than I need

A box of 72 will only sort around 3 supers' worth of honey. Even if you only have one established hive you should be able to utilise a good part of a box per season.
the thing is you start with one hive and it goes on and on ........lol
wynne jones for me too.. unfortunetly the Irish sea is in the way!
Not yet calculated the jar capacity of the Smart!!!!

you should have bought the 2oz jar Freemans had on 18 hex jar for £5:50 at the show....you could have got them in the glove box

Jars on ebay, best look for small quantity on Ebay, i would suggest 72x1lb honey Jars for about £32 including delivereed last time i looked

I advise beginers to go for half pound or 12oz jars first year....as you will have so many freinds wanting your Honey, and so little honey
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yeah I saw the 12oz jars. This is the second year I have had the bees but didnt harvest last year as I wanted them to get established. It seemed to work.
MM - no glove box! but seriously mind was on other things so didn't think to pick up any small format jars (although you need friends to justify them!).
... didn't think to pick up any small format jars (although you need friends to justify them!).

Ah, I think I spot the problem.
Tiny jars are for acquaintances, whereas friends should get bigger jars. And full too! :)

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