Is the June gap early?

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Queen Bee
Jan 1, 2018
Reaction score
Fernhurst Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
40 plus 23 that I maintain for clients.
I'm finding many of my nucs are on the cusp of starving at the mo. I've been round to many giving syrup and fondant.....
Is it just me?
A few were using stores last week... I'm seeing it as a positive initially as there was a lot of brood comb filled with OSR that needed eating. Waiting for Thursday to check again...
I'm finding many of my nucs are on the cusp of starving at the mo. I've been round to many giving syrup and fondant.....
Is it just me?
It’s a May gap if there is 1 around here and it’s normal helped by poor weather. The blackberry is just starting so it’ll be all systems go with a little decent weather!!
Definitely a gap here with stores diminished to some extent when checked last Thursday. Bramble still a little way off here too.
Yes a little early here
Feeding nucs too. The rest of the bees are munching their stores.
A few bramble flowers out
I'm finding many of my nucs are on the cusp of starving at the mo. I've been round to many giving syrup and fondant.....
Is it just me?
Same here in the green Buckinghamshire desert. I am watching several NUCs very closely. This is the June gap as far as I can make out and it is being exaggerated by a reluctance of the bees to fly very far in this showery weather.
compared with last year, a very short Hawthorne season here in West Wales. A few early bramble and clover coming but nothing significant about and colonies big...
Its been a cold dry Spring. Spring honey spun last night was thick and
seemed massive in pollen content - will do water content after settling.
There's been an early gap round here for the last couple of weeks combined with showery weather, supers were definitely being depleted. On first blackberry now judging by the pollen, so hopefully the warmer weather in the next few days will see the supers refilled...
It really depends on what part of the British Isles you are located.
Here in the South, sheltered by the Isle of Wight and Portsdown Hill our blackberry flowers are starting to bloom.
A good sign that another nectar flow is about to start
My hives have been reasonably quiet for the last week or so compared to what they were doing a few weeks ago. I was actually about to ask the forum so this answers my unasked question.
Not much activity today as it was a mixture of rain, overcast and brief sunshine but I was adding supers as the others were full and very heavy. Bramble is already coming into flower and with the next few days promising some nice weather.