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often difficult to get perfect conditions to inspect, when swarm control inspections are necessary very often ideal weather isn't there, the bees show there objection when the hive is opened.
If you lived in Manchester, you would never be able to inspect if it had to be a sunny day ;) Enjoy your bees :)
often difficult to get perfect conditions to inspect, when swarm control inspections are necessary very often ideal weather isn't there, the bees show there objection when the hive is opened.

I find that sometimes they react very well when the weather is not idea and at other times (I think they have the ability to predict weather !!) when you think you can get away with it they are all over the place.

My rule of thumb is that if the bees show you they don't like what you are doing - close them up and try again another day. It works for me ... most of the time !
often difficult to get perfect conditions to inspect, when swarm control inspections are necessary very often ideal weather isn't there, the bees show there objection when the hive is opened.

Had this yesterday and gave up.... They were all home and not pleased to see me. Gave up.
The general rule of thumb is: any time you can work comfortably in shirt sleeves (~16degrees C), you can inspect bees.

If you wait for that youll have about a fortnight of the year to inspect, what tosh :icon_204-2:
The general rule of thumb is: any time you can work comfortably in shirt sleeves (~16degrees C), you can inspect bees.

Going by that general rule has set me back and left me with possibly no honey this year. From now, I'm going in when needs be even if its not ideal.
The general rule of thumb is: any time you can work comfortably in shirt sleeves (~16degrees C), you can inspect bees.

I think it reached 16 C here once. When I was a child ;) That is considered tropical round 'ere lol

EDIT: I thought it was meant to be 12 C. I think that's what I was told when I started, I might be remembering wrong though.
EDIT: I thought it was meant to be 12 C. I think that's what I was told when I started, I might be remembering wrong though.

I was told 16 degrees when I started. Maybe they're a lot tougher where you live though.
Its a guide. Thats all...although, the older forage bees will be at home on grotty days so you take your chances
I was told 16 degrees when I started. Maybe they're a lot tougher where you live though.
Its a guide. Thats all...although, the older forage bees will be at home on grotty days so you take your chances

Such is bee keeping I suppose ;)
Last summer we had very bad June. Beeks took photos that swarms came out between rain showers even if temp was 10C. I could no believe that but so they told in our forum.
Last summer we had very bad June. Beeks took photos that swarms came out between rain showers even if temp was 10C. I could no believe that but so they told in our forum.
You have a finish forum? You two timing rat.