I have the following kit:
Hive - complete (brood box, super, Frames, QE, Floor etc.)
Beside the Bees, what other items of equipment would see me helping them to settle in with the best possible start.
I haven't read everybody else's suggestions, so will probably repeat some things.
Gloves - marigolds will do, make sure they are a snug fit.
Bucket containing washing soda for cleaning hive tool and gloves after inspection.
Closable plastic box for scraps of wax you take off during inspection.
Smoker fuel (not the expensive stuff, get some rotten wood and dry it out),
Barbecue lighter or blow torch to light the smoker
White sugar - to make syrup (you don't need to buy it ready made)
Crown board with no hole, the one you've bought will be a feeder board.
Dummy boards (or dummy frames) the thin ones, not the cheap frame-sized ones from ebay, to reduce size of the brood box to what the bees need.
Insulation to go above crown board, leave on all year round.
Haynes Bee Manual, easier to skim through and find information than the Hooper book.
A shed - buy one that's at least twice as big as you think you'll need. Either that or build a car port for the car, because you'll soon fill your garage with stuff.