I'm Not Complaining.... but...

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I,d just start feeding the birds near his car, 2 slices of bread a day should fix him. Then he would have something to complain about.
Don't let him see you doing it though.

Very good idea. Get some seed and it will be difficult to see.
On the assumption that neighbours might now complain to the council I contacted the council first.

Had a call from a very nice man who said that he didnt think they really had much to complain about that would be taken seriously by his department....
but if he does hear anything he will come and visit and ask them what they do about bird poo...
Tell him to wash his car with LEMONGRASS Essential Oil. So come may time when he parks his car at work, he might if you are lucky catch you a swarm lol
sounds like they are a right bunch of obsessive compulsive A holes, in case they hadn't noticed your contributing to the eco system and the preservation of a species what do their cars do? Give them nothing and pray to the god of spikey stingy things that a nest of wasps takes up residence in their house. Ooo i'm so mad on your behalf. Good call going to the council.

Today about 10 minutes after I had brought my observation hive back indoors..
got a visit from 2 blokes from council..

Yep..neighbour finally complained.
Took them into back yard to have a look what I have...

They said that they had been standing out on the pavement the other side of the wall for quite some time watching.. and they couldnt really see any bees at all to the extent that they could be classified as a problem....

What they didnt realise is that because the cherry tree is out in blossom it acts as a backdrop and you dont see all of the bees anyway....
They stood in the garden about 3 metres away from the outside hive and not looking at all worried......
One of them had done a bit of research and quoted that he had read that once a bee was outside my property that it was not my bee.....and that he assumed that one dollop of bird mess would be more than several thousand blobs of bee poo... he also knew that it isnt corrosive.....

The opinion was much the same as I had been told before.... that if I can show that I have at least done something to show willing, a bit of crap on a couple of cars doesnt really constitute any serious problem....... however.. if the neighbour wishes to continue moaning would I be willing to some kind of arbitration... i.e. talk to them and ask what they expect me to do...

They went away quite happy......

.. if the neighbour wishes to continue moaning would I be willing to some kind of arbitration... i.e. talk to them and ask what they expect me to do...


I'm sorry to say that there is only one thing they want -- no bees. They will not listen to reason, they only focus on themselves.

I've just vacated an Apiary in an Orchard near a "Pick You Own" farm.
For two years it was perfect.
Then neighbour 200yards away discovered there were bees in the orchard and we have had ..

"You should not keep dangerous animals" pointed out that 50's B movies were not documentaries and they had been there for 2 years...

"ouch I've been stung " ( in January with temperatures -1)

"they are swarming in my garden" ( 6 bees on a pitiful waist high weeping willow surrounded by a sea of threadbare grass)

"My daughter was stung, as was 2 of her friends by an angry bee, while eating Ice Cream on the wooden deck " ( a bee with a vivid yellow and black jumper on I guess !)

But after a council call where they told her not to be so stupid, I had some local yobbos throwing bricks at the hives last week and found some empty cans of fly-spray. She's a teacher at a local school................

Fortunately, the yobbos were too cowardly to get close and the bees are calm + working well - the dislodged top supers only creating another entrances, but if I left the hives there I'll probably lose them to anotehr more organised attack.

So be careful your neighbours dont take matters into their own hands.
I think you are only prolonging the inevitable but best of luck and I hope I am wrong.

BTW, anybody know a good site for 3 hives on double brood in the South Bucks area ? ( well no harm in asking !)

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