Ichneumon Wasp. Coccygomimus aequalis

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Queen Bee
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
Longsight, Manchester, UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
None, although I have my eye on one ( Just don't tell Dusty ;) )
I think I just saw one in my garden. It was beautiful! Looked just like this picture. The usual wasps were showing an interest, but it was too big for them. Still can't believe my first reaction was to try and get a picture and not run screaming into the house. You've changed me you lot have LOL
That was my first thought! " My, aren't you beautiful. " My second thought was " WOW!! That's some sting you've got there! " lol, I now know it's an egg laying thingy. Never seen one before. The usual wasps were sniffing around it, but thought better of it. I wanted to get a picture but it disappeared over the roof before I could get my phone.

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