Ibuprofen in syrup mix?

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I have just been on their web and they are consistently stopping the use and import of illegal products, they work closely with UK border force
There have been a few problems over the years, they have to test for various things first to find these problems.

Willie Robson blew the whistle on a fellow beekeeper, Richard Brodie, for potting Argentine honey and passing it off as Scottish borders honey, the court case that resulted last week before Berwick-on-Tweed magistrates exposed some of the tough realities of an intensely competitive international business.

In January this year, 14,000 jars labelled "Produce of India" were stopped for testing at Felixstowe docks. The honey turned out to be contaminated with chloramphenicol, a wide-spectrum antibiotic banned in food production in most countries. In susceptible individuals, it can cause a fatal blood condition, aplastic anaemia. And the country most associated with the use of chloramphenicol on bees? China - whose honey had consequently been banned on health grounds by the EU in 2002.


Honey' couple's appeal rejected
A couple who face costs of almost £100,000 after being convicted of selling fake Norfolk honey have failed in a bid to reduce their penalty.

When Trading Standards officers became suspicious of the amount of honey being sold they found traces of pollen from overseas.

So to do with misdescription rather than drug laced honey then?

Both, second case was also to do with drug laced honey...do you think all honey testing should be stopped then, so these cases of unscrupulous beekeepers remain undetected, like... let them carry on.

after a survey of the international honey industry reported that "sulfonamides were found in Canadian honey, tetracycline and streptomycin in American, Mexican and Argentine honey, miticides and insecticides in American honey and chloramphenicol in Chinese and European honey."
Both, second case was also to do with drug laced honey...do you think all honey testing should be stopped then, so these cases of unscrupulous beekeepers remain undetected, like... let them carry on.

No - but my feeling is now that rather than looking at hooky imports (which is where most of the problem lies - and is not the remit of VMD) they are going for easy points.
They are welcome to carry on, they won't get any easy points if there is nothing to find...will they.

Trouble is no doubt they have finite resources so while they are investigating the oxalic residues levels of johnny two-hives a thousand tonnes of God knows what is being imported and sold for tuppence a jar.
If I remember correctly there was an article in a recent BeeFarmer mag that indicated it would soon be simple and cheap to test the geographic origin of honey. There is no excuse for beekeepers to pass foreign honey off as British
oxalic acid treating was carefully researched and measured, what was its influence into honey as a human food. You find the results from internet.

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