I think I've sorted them but....

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From Glossop, North Derbyshire, UK
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 11, 2021
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Glossop, North Derbyshire
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4 to 12!
I have a hive that produced a single queen cell on the 1st May, which I removed. Another single QC on the 8th persuaded me they were trying to supersede so I left them to it.
Went in today expecting to check for eggs and a new queen. Instead I found a bunch of sealed queen cells, and after a brief search the old red marked queen (much slimmed down). I nuced the queen and cut back to a single QC as per normal.
This evening it has occurred to me that there could be a second queen in the hive, though I didn't see her - I wasn't really looking. Somehow I think swarming would be unlikely if they had successfully superseded, but I may be wrong.
Would they try to swarm with 2 queens in the hive? If so they may go tomorrow (& I'm away).
Surely it’s unlikely a queen will have emerged yet? Given your marked queen is slimmed down ready to swarm I would assume (wrongly, perhaps?) that the queen cells are recently capped
Surely it’s unlikely a queen will have emerged yet? Given your marked queen is slimmed down ready to swarm I would assume (wrongly, perhaps?) that the queen cells are recently capped
I was considering whether the QC seen on the 8th had emerged (around 20th). The cells I saw today were probably recently capped as there were 2 uncapped too.
I was considering whether the QC seen on the 8th had emerged (around 20th). The cells I saw today were probably recently capped as there were 2 uncapped too.
Ahh, I see…yes it does seem a strange situation! Did you notice if the QC from the 8th has emerged?

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