I think i have a bees nest in my garden

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New Bee
Jun 10, 2012
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Hello :)

Im new to the forum and hope im posting in the right section. I think i have a honey bee nest in a bush in my garden. Im in a bit of a dilemma as i understand bees are endangered and I have absolutely no problem with them, I know they are mostly harmless if undisturbed. But I have 2 children and the nest/hive is right by the back door in a place where they play on their scooters and kick balls. How would I get the bees moved? Someone told me that local beekeepers may move them for free, how would I contact someone? I dont want to use our local pest services or council as I dont trust that they have the bees best interests at heart. Many thanks for any help.
How long have they been there for? Are they hanging on a bush in a big clump or similar, if so it is probably a swarm.
If you look up your local beekeepers association or BBKA you will fins a swarm collector in your area.
Hi Google Leicestershire and Rutland Beekeepers Association*and you will find the information you require there good luck.
As i dont know much about bees, i havent investigated very much, i didnt want to disturb them. theres a hole in the hedge and i can see many flying in and out. I havent looked in the hole, and im not sure when or how i should go about investigating it. There always seems to be one or two flying in and out at any given time during the day. Maybe i should look into the hedge at night time?
Sorry Davelin I didnt answer your question about how long. i was stung a little while back, and thats when i first noticed it, around the begining of this month (june) however that doesnt mean it wasnt there before. i was stung through my own stupidity really and not through aggressiveness of the bee. I have a bench by the bush where I sit in the sun, and it had gone up my sleeve :/ I didnt check what was crawling up my sleeve before i grabbed it with my hand :)
You may need to describe these bees and the 'nest' - a pic would be good.

Often beekeepers are called for wasps or bumbles. You may know the differences or you may not, I don't know...
I will try my best to get a pic :) but like i said where they a flying is a hole in the hedge, il go now and try and get a pic...whether il know how to get a pic on here is another thing :)
Ive sent an email to my local beekeeping association :)....sorry just trying to waste posts til i get to 10 so i can post my pic :)
Id love to do beekeeping myself...but not a good option with 2 youngsters...as much as i love them, they are tooo curious :)
2 more posts :) This pic ive got of the bee...its so clear its almost scarey :/ cant wait for your opinions on whether its a bumble or honey :)
ok, next post hopefully il have the pic, not sure if ive got it right, please let me know if you cant see or find the picture
So what do i do about them? And what is the difference between bumble and honey? Sorry for my ignorance, as i said in my first post i know nothing :)
It is a bumble bee, I doubt they stung you it may have been coincidental. You have two choices but mine would be to leave them, maybe erect a bit of netting round them to stop disturbance. They will go at the end of the year and then you can cut the bush back and have a look. the other choice is to try and get someone in to remove them, bumble bees are not that easy to remove!!
Well done for finding out though rather than just destroying them
A honey bee is much smaller and lives in a colony of thousands of bees, a bumble bee has only a few in the colony, they don't make excessive amounts of honey so they are not viable honey machines like a honey bee. They do however pollinate flowers. They do nothing bad except sting you if you trap them under a bare foot for example!
Thanks :) I think il leave them then, the one that stung me looked nothing like that one though, i know because it was on the floor after and it was skinnier and had more stripes, but seen others of the same type going in there. Is there different types of bumble? Like some that are 'workers' and some that are more nest makers that are of a different size/colour?...good pic though wasn't it lol :)

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