House Bee
I don’t understand the Hell reference, sorry. Is it some sort of beekeepery in-joke?Those two sources can take a beginner down a fast road to Hell as easily as any (your location tells me that that you have already arrived) and there is no single source of advice, delivered with night-nurse tenderness, that will do the job. Far more useful to take all advice on board, ignore the casual denigration, distil all you hear and carve your own methods.
It's up to us to decode your style and some do not have the patience to do so, but if we were in a pub conversation other cues would help, and what comes across as casual online derision would be read differently. We're not in a pub, so plain speaking and careful use of words (by all of us) works best.
Good, so stick around.
I don’t expect “night nurse tenderness”. Just plain old courtesy is fine.
I realise we’re not in a pub. I am not stupid.