August 2017. 2 Nucs bought May 2017 after the beginners course. Im
Sooooo proud of my lovely new WBCs,
Aren’t the bees nice and black!
Went to the association extraction training. Radial extraction. No one mentioned heather! balsam balsam balsam.
Ooh the excitement of the first super. Ooh the amazing smell and look at the amazing really white cappings
Felt guilty taking too much so I took 5 frames and left 5 frames for the bees.
Why won’t it spin out? Right let’s crank up the extractor. What’s happening!!!!!???? Where’s my mentor? What do you mean you’ve never had it like that? Why can’t you come up And take a look ….please,
Pretty please.
Right, better ring an expert in Yorkshire beekeepers. Oh heather what’s that like then. Where’s the kitchen sieve.
Bought far too many jars (glass half full, literally)
First jar delicious!